How to Place An Order?

How to Place An Order?

Step #1 Click on the "human" icon located at the upper-right corner.

Step 2 - Create account

Step #2 Create an account (if you're new), or login with your email.

Step 3 - Fill in your details

Step #3 Key in your details, or continue with Facebook to sign up.

Step 4 - Login

Step #4 Once you've created an account, login to your account.

Step 5 - Add to cart

Step #5 Browse and add to cart.

Step 6 - Checkout

Step #6 Checkout, or continue shopping for more products.

Step 7 - Fill in your shipping address

Step #7 On your Checkout Page, key in the details of your shipping address.

Step 8 - Place order

Step #8 Scroll down and place your order.

Step 9 - You will receive an order confirmation email

Step #9 You'll then receive an order confirmation email from us.

Step 10 - Upload your payment receipt

Step #10 To verify your payment, upload your receipt or screenshot. Bank Transfer is only available at the moment.

Step 11 - Key in your order reference

Step #11 Then, key in your order reference and submit.

Step 12 - You have successfully placed an order.

Step #12 Your payment is now completed.

Step 13 - Payment status will be updated once verified by us

Step #13 You'll then receive email updates once we've verified your payment and arranged your order for shipment. A SMS containing details of your shipment will also be sent to you to track your parcel status.

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